A Pretty Good Time for a Pretty Great Cause
The tournament is a “best ball” scramble format with teams of 4 golfers per team. Golfers of all ability levels are strongly encouraged to join us. Fun fact: Ray was a TERRIBLE golfer, but he certainly was a hoot to play with.
When: Saturday June 15, 2019 – carts leaving clubhouse at 9:15am
Where: Cedar Knoll Country Club Hinesburg, Vermont
Carts will be lined up at the club house and we’ll send you off at 9:15am for a 9:30 “shotgun start” (basically everyone will tee off at a different hole at the same time)
Please register in advance to ensure your spot. If there is still availability, we will accept last minute registrations the day of starting at 8:30am.
We anticipate registration to be full prior to the event this year.
$85 per golfer (includes golf cart, round of golf & bbq to follow the round) – foursomes preferred, but feel free to register as 1-3 golfers and we’ll match you up (if you like) to fill out your foursome (or you can be a team of 2 or 3 if you prefer, but no “extra” shots will be awarded to your team).
$150 to sponsor a hole
$35 to join us for the catered reception and raffle including prizes from area businesses following the round of golf (estimated to begin around 2pm)
Donations of any amount always welcome and so very much appreciated. Thank you all for your tremendous support over the years!
Please Make Checks Payable To:
And mail to:
Scott Pellegrini
56 Proctor Ave.
S Burlington, VT 05403
And don’t forget to bring cash for the beer cart and raffle!
All proceeds benefit the Reach for the Stars Scholarship Fund – our continued thanks to the good people at the Vermont Principals Association who help make this all possible!
For More Information Please Email:
Kate Pellegrini-Welch or Scott Pellegrini
For you history buffs out there – this year’s tournament will be the 9th in 10 years. Our first event was in 2010 at West Bolton Golf Club and we’ve held the tournament every year since except 2017. This will be our 8th go of it at Cedar Knoll and we’re so grateful for their hospitality.